
We are a service provider of transitory digital network communications under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (“DMCA”). The DMCA establishes a process for service providers like Us to address claims of copyright infringement, which We have implemented. We respect the intellectual property of others, and We ask our users to do the same. If you are a copyright owner (or have authority to act on behalf of a copyright owner) and believe a third party is infringing on your copyrighted material or intellectual property via our Services, you may report your claim by sending a written notice to our designated copyright agent at the address below to request a review of the alleged infringement:

Attn: DMCA Legal Notice

250 Northern Ave., 3rd Floor

Boston, MA 02210

Email: legalnotices@anchorfree.com

Notifications of claimed infringement must contain all the elements described under the DMCA in order to be valid, this includes:

We may, in appropriate circumstances and if technically possible, disable or terminate the accounts of users who may be repeat infringers, as well as pursue other remedies that we may have to address infringement claims.

Please note that due to the nature of certain of our Services, such as UltraVPN or our other VPN offerings, including the encryption of communications sent via the Services and the ephemeral nature of transmissions initiated at the direction of individuals using them, it is not generally possible for Us to take down specific content, or block access to specific content, from those services that are reported to be infringing.

Moreover, note that identification of users of VPN services purported to be engaging in copyright infringement by reference to their apparent IP address does not allow us to identify the specific user in question due to how VPN services work technologically. Apparent IP addresses of users of VPN services are typically shared between a multitude of individual users at any given time. We also do not maintain records of which individual users accessed particular online content in connection with an apparent IP Address.